If the rolling stones grew up in southern
california and were friends with crosby, stills and nash, this
is what their songs would sound like. or if the rubber soul beatles
did these rolling stone songs, this is what they might sound like
All Wood and Stones, a vocal and acoustic guitar album like no
other—11 Classic Rolling Stones songs sung and played by
John Batdorf and James Lee Stanley; with special guests Laurence
Juber (Paul McCartney & Wings), Paul Barrere (Little Feat),
Timothy B Schmit (Eagles), Ken Lyon (Lemonheads), Scott Breadman
(Rippingtons, Lindsay Buckingham) and Peter Tork (Monkees).
Fans of the Stones, Crosby Stills & Nash, Buffalo Springfield,
Rubber Soul, the Eagles, or classic Beachboys harmonies are in
for a real treat.
Can you imagine what the Rolling Stones songs would have sounded
like if Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were California boys with
acoustic guitars? Would Satisfaction, Ruby Tuesday, or Last Time
been as powerful if they had been played on acoustic guitars and
filled with vocal harmonies?
So were James Lee Stanley and John Batdorf, purveyors of acoustic
rock music for decades. They took 11 Rolling Stones classics and
turned them into something totally unheard of. You don 't have
to live in California or play acoustic guitar to be enchanted by
"All Wood and Stones" An amazing collection of Rolling
Stones tunes played on acoustic guitars and ladened with joyous
vocal harmonies.
All Wood and Stones - a unique sounding album of classic Rolling
Stones songs.
You've probably heard all the Rolling Stones songs covered by
numerous bands both live and on CD. Perhaps you own Stone Country,
the compilation of country artists doing Rolling Stones covers
albums. Fun music to listen to, and great records,aren't they?
But All Wood and Stones takes a closer look at all of these classic
Rolling Stones songs in a way that has never been done before.
The angle is so different that you 'd better prepare yourself for
a big surprise, a positively shocking one.
All Wood and Stones takes you on a trip. It acts like a time machine.
In a single moment you will find yourself hearing the Rolling Stones
songs if they had come from a different world. Familiar and completely
brand new. |